Niko (background) and his son Bowie (foreground, sticking his tongue out) enjoying a dip in Colorado's South Platte River

Niko (background) and his son Bowie (foreground, sticking his tongue out) enjoying a dip in Colorado’s South Platte River

We’ve recently emerged from the dog days of summer, the hottest time of the year. The ancient Greek poet Alcaeus suggested that men “steep your lungs in wine” during this time, noting “women are at their foulest [and] men are weak since they are parched in head and knees.”


A thing of beauty is a joy forever…or something like that

There was neither wine nor foul women (except yours truly) around when Niko and Bowie’s parched knees recently found welcome relief during a dip in the South Platte River. Niko finished *his* respite by taking the more recent poet Taylor Swift’s sage advice to “shake it off…shake, shake, shake, shake, shake…shake it off.”

Glorious ol' Niko

Glorious ol’ Niko, happy to have cooled down

Autumn is right around the corner. Hard to believe.